Email me at if you can't find an answer to your question.
Good quality content and copy can make a real difference in getting you or your business noticed, building brand awareness, and increasing sales or support. To keep customer trust and loyalty, you need your content and copy to read well, contain no mistakes and make it clear who you are and what your business is about. I can provide that for you, freeing up your time so you can focus on everything else you've got going on!
Get in touch to discuss your project and find out more about the various services I offer, and how they can help you.
Because my focus is mostly towards small businesses, working with me is relatively affordable! Because I know every project is unique, I provide custom quotes, depending on what you have in mind.
Remember: I will always send a proposal with detailed and transparent pricing, so you'll never have any nasty surprises or come across any hidden fees. Please do get in touch if you have any questions or click here to book a free, 15 minute discovery call to talk through your ideas with me!
I am occasionally happy to provide a discount, depending on the project and/or specific client. For example, if you require help with a project for a charity or if you require multiple services from me - eg content and copy writing, or proofreading and editing, I would be open to offering a discount.
If you would like to discuss a discount on your project fee, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
I may not have extensive experience writing for your specific area or industry but, I do have knowledge and experience in writing for various industries, in different tones and brand voices. These skills, coupled with my passion for getting it right for my clients, means that I do a lot of research and really get to your tone of voice. I would work closely with you, to ensure that I produce content and copy that your readers will think was written by someone with years of experience in your particular industry!
Take a look at my testimonials page or portfolio to see evidence of my previous work.
Absolutely! You wouldn't hire a builder if you had no evidence that they could do the job, so why would hiring a writer be any different? You can find a few examples of my previous work on my portfolio page.
Can't see what you're looking for? Get in touch to request my full portfolio or to ask for samples of specific pieces of work.
No problem! Just get in touch with your question and I will respond personally, and as soon as possible. I may also add your question to this FAQ's page because, chances are, if you're thinking it, somebody else is too!
Remember! There's NO such thing as a stupid question.
Laura Burrows Content & Copy writer
Carnforth, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Copyright © 2023 Laura Burrows Content & Copywriter - All Rights Reserved.
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